
Planning, Research and Statistics - Health Records Officers Registration Board of Nigeria (HRORBN)



The department of Planning, Research and Statistics (PRS) is one of the common service departments established in the Federal Civil Service by Decree No. 43 of 1988. The department key responsibilities are focused on strategic planning, conducting research activities, keeping statistical data and information in the Federal Civil Service. It equally manages policy issues as it relates to organizations/institutions (as in the case of HRORBN, training and practice of health information management).

The department was formerly known as Professional Development and Quality Assurance (PD&QA) which was later renamed as Planning, Research and Statistics. The department delivers a diverse range of services which make it to have link with all other departments. Its role is pivotal; serving as the fulcrum of the Board, particularly in the areas of policy formulation, monitoring and evaluation, Strategic plan (Short Term, Long Term and Medium Term Plans), monitoring of plans or activities/project implementation, Professional development/regulation and supervision of the achievements of the Board’s goals. It may also perform other functions as may be assigned by the CEO.

Functions of Department of Planning Research and Statistics

  1. Harmonizing annual operational plans of the departments/zones of the Board;
  2. Coordinating the Board’s strategic Development Plan;
  3. Monitoring and evaluating Annual Operational Plan (AOP) Performance;
  4. Regular monitoring and evaluation of Health facilities and related areas to ensure quality Control;
  5. Keeping updated Registers of Health Records and Information Management (HR&IM) Practitioners;
  6. Proposing policies to the Governing Board in relation to standardization and quality assurance.
  7. Conducting research to improve Board’s services and advice accordingly.
  8. Routine collection/processing of data and statistics relating to the HR&IM practitioners.
  9. Preparation and submission of Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reports on licensing, certification and other services rendered by the department;
  10. Developing continuous educational plans and strategies such as Mandatory Continuous Education (MCE) and Continuous Professional Development Education (CPDE).
  11. Conducting surveys on professional matters.
  12. Registration, licensing and certification of Qualified professionals
  13. Preparation of the departmental Annual Progress Reports.
  14. Ensuring strict compliance to the Board’s standards by the professionals, health facilities and training institutions;
  15. Management of the Licensing and Certification Software;
  16. Verification and authentication of Licenses and Certificates issued by the Board.

Staff Strength

The department has a total number of sixteen (16) staff


The year under review, we are able to achieved the followings


  1. Keeping updated Registers of Health Records and Information Practitioners;
  2. Registration and Licensing of qualified professionals;
  3. Proposing policies to the Governing Board in relation to Registration and Licensure;
  4. Preparation of the Unit Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual Progress Reports on Registration and Licence activities;
  5. Development of annual operational plan for the Licensing activities; and
  6. Management of licensing Software etc.

In the year 2023, total of 2,073 technicians renew their licenses.

1,286 officers also renew their licenses

However, 2,358 officers registered and license while 928 technicians registered and licensed

  1. CERTIFICATION – Coordination and supervising the activities of the Certification Unit;
  2. Uploading Certificate on the Certificate software;
  3. Verifying and confirming the authenticity of the Certificate before printing (approval);
  4. Liaising with SIDMACH to resolve issues related to Certification Software;
  5. Liaising with Zonal Offices on issues related to Certificate;
  6. Development of Annual operational plan for the Certification Unit;
  7. Developing Monthly, Quarterly and Annual reports of Certification activities;
  8. Extraction of successful candidates from the pool of graduating students for each session;
  9. Checking and confirmation of correct spelling of names, Index number, month and year of graduation on the Certificate before  forwarding to the CEO for signature and dispatch;
  10. Ensuring all certificates are sealed;
  11. Ensuring all the request related to certificates are attended to;
  12. Keeping update about incoming and outgoing correspondences;
  13. Given support to any other Unit when and where necessary; and
  14. Performing any other function as may be directed

this is a unit that is commission to keep and issue academic certificates.

This unit works closely with license unit


  1. Development of Annual operational plan for the Unit
  2. Liaise with other department and zonal offices to harmonize Annual operational or strategic plans for the Board;
  3. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of work-plan of the Board for maximum output;
  4. Harmonization of overall Budget of the Board in collaboration with HRM and FAD
  5. Preparing of Board’s annual progress report;
  6.  Drafting reply of correspondences receives within and outside the office that are related to the unit;
  7. Given support to any other Unit when and where necessary
  8. Performing any other function as it may be  directed


  1. Identifying Hospital to be visited;
  2. Drafting and dispatching letters to the identified Hospitals after vetting;
  3. Sending feedback to the visited Hospitals;
  4. Updating/Maintaining list of all Visited Hospitals including those visited by zonal offices;
  5. Updating/Maintaining a list of all professionals working in each visited Hospital/Facility including those visited by zonal offices;
  6. Development of annual M&E plan in conjunction with planning unit;
  7. Ensuring implementation of Monthly, quarterly and annual M&E visits;
  8. Developing Annual operational plan for the Unit;
  9. Preparing quarterly/annual progress report for the unit;
  10. Identifying the health facilities that are due for follow up visit;
  11. Keeping update about incoming and outgoing correspondences;
  12. Given support to any other Unit when and where necessary;
  13. Performing any other function as may be directed;
  14. Ensure compliance with Boards standards;
  15. To trace health facilities that are not in conformity with Board’s standard

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND QUALITY ASSURANCE – The department has organized continuous training exercise in Abuja and Akure in conjunction with HRIMPN.

  1. RESEARCH AND STATISTICS Conducting researches that can aid the Board in policy formulation;
  2. Keeping updates on the Board’s Databases (Soft and Hard copies);
  3. Review of policies for the betterment/development of the Board;
  4. Compilation of Annual Report on indexing, graduation, registered practitioners and  accreditation status of the training institutions;
  5. Maintaining update and ensuring publication of registered health records professionals that renew their license quarterly or annually;
  6. Liaising with Examination and education/indexing departments to get update on the data related to Students/Graduates;
  7. Drafting reply of correspondences receives within and outside the office that are related to the unit
  8. Keeping update on the incoming and outgoing correspondences related to the unit;
  9. Given support to any other Unit when and where necessary
  10. Performing any other function as it may be directed

(Data Management) This unit abhors all the statistical data of the Board. It includes total enrollment for examinations, number of success and failure at each exams, total number of indexed students per year, number of school of Health Technologies,, College of Health and School of Health Information Managements and several hospital across Nigeria where Health Information Management is offered as discipline

In addition, the department embarked on data update of all registered professionals and it was huge success. The department has facilitated affiliation with some non-governmental organization for technical support e.g. Health Workforce Management

  2. Development of Annual operational plan for the Unit
  3. Liaise with other department and zonal offices to harmonize Annual operational or strategic plans for the Board;
  4. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of work-plan of the Board for maximum output;
  5. Harmonization of overall Budget of the Board in collaboration with HRM and FAD
  6. Preparing of Board’s annual progress report;
  7.  Drafting reply of correspondences receives within and outside the office that are related to the unit;
  8. Given support to any other Unit when and where necessary
  9. Performing any other function as it may be  directed

TRAINING – The staff of the department has attended several in house training and also attended training outside the office. The Board also nominated Mr. Abdulazeez Suleman to attend training in Ibadan, Oyo state.

  1. Development of Annual operational plan for the Unit
  2. Liaise with other department and zonal offices to harmonize Annual operational or strategic plans for the Board;
  3. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of work-plan of the Board for maximum output;
  4. Harmonization of overall Budget of the Board in collaboration with HRM and FAD
  5. Preparing of Board’s annual progress report;
  6.  Drafting reply of correspondences receives within and outside the office that are related to the unit;
  7. Given support to any other Unit when and where necessary
  8. Performing any other function as it may be  directed